Festil - Festival Estivo del Litorale
La nona edizione del progetto teatrale transfrontaliero internazionale del panorama italiano afferente tre nazioni, Slovenia, Croazia e Italia. La rassegna di drammaturgia contemporanea dall’Istria al Friuli è diretta da Tommaso Tuzzoli e Federico Bellini.
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Pietre nere scarnifica e centrifuga la nostra idea di casa. Pietre nere è casa in tutte le sue infinite declinazioni. Casa è il nostro corpo. Sono i nostri vestiti. È la persona amata. È un affetto. Una città, un quartiere. Casa è il luogo in cui siamo cresciuti. Casa è un oggetto, una foto, una lettera, un profilo su un social network. Uno spettacolo di Babilonia Teatri di Enrico Castellani e Valeria Raimondi con la collaborazione artistica di Francesco Alberici, con Francesco Alberici, Enrico Castellani e Valeria Raimondi e con Orlando Castellani, direzione tecnica Luca Scotton, produzione Babilonia Teatri e La Corte Ospitale. Spettacolo realizzato in collaborazione tra FESTIL e Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia. 

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Uno spettacolo lieve e toccante intorno al più grande tabù della nostra cultura. In scena Serena Balivo, già Premio Ubu come migliore attrice under 35 e Premio Ivo Chiesa, dà corpo e voce a una donna non più giovane che ogni domenica va a pranzo dai suoi genitori ultranovantenni, veri protagonisti del delicato e umoristico testo di Mariano Dammacco, già Premio Ubu come migliore novità drammaturgica per Spezzato è il cuore della bellezza. Con Serena Balivo, ideazione, drammaturgia e regia Mariano Dammacco, produzione Compagnia Diaghilev. Spettacolo realizzato in collaborazione tra FESTIL e Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Una scrittura in bilico tra prosa, versi e musica. Mario Perrotta così descrive lo spettacolo: "Indago le opere di Calvino e, intanto, ho in mente una parola fragile: libertà. Come una specie di vertigine. Il Nano, Calvino, la libertà è un omaggio personalissimo a un autore che ha saputo modellare, e fortemente, la mia visione delle cose del mondo. Una riflessione sulla libertà." Scritto, diretto e interpretato da Mario Perrotta, mashup e musiche originali Marco Mantovani e Mario Perrotta, produzione Permar Compagnia Mario Perrotta e Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale. Spettacolo realizzato in collaborazione tra FESTIL e Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

On stage, Niccolò and Lorenzo talk about their respective bosses: Niccolò and Lorenzo. But Niccolò and Lorenzo's respective bosses are also on stage: Niccolò and Lorenzo, who talk about Niccolò and Lorenzo. A conversation about work, about vocation, about money, about capitalism, about life time and work time, about lunches with oneself, about desperation. Show by and with Lorenzo Maragoni and Niccolò Fettarappa, Carrozzerie production residence | n.o.t, production La Corte Ospitale with the support of MiC, Emilia-Romagna Region, Ferrara Off APS, special mention Forever Young 2021/2022 - La Corte Ospitale.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Digital memory scenic readings - A journalist who increasingly acts and feels more mechanistic, divides his time between work - performed from home and via GPT Chat - and the Metaverse. A young artist decides to react to a robotic performance created by artificial intelligence. Around them is a world of violence, real and virtual, of solitude, of control and In which, whoever stays, remains petrified. Show by Denise Diaz Montalvo, stage reading by Federico Bellini with Ksenija Martinović and Mirko Soldano, Tinaos production.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Digital memory scenic readings - Wally and Luna are two teenagers who keep themselves at a safe distance from the rest of the world. At their first meeting they decide to play a game in which Luna ends up finding a knife stuck in the middle of her chest. Despite this, the girl will return to continue playing with her new friend, little by little building a friendship destined to break under the weight of a reality that slowly reveals its mechanisms. At the same time, an elderly computer scientist, owner of a massive technology company called Antropico, answers for the first time after years of silence to a holographic journalist's questions about the creation of his digital empire. Show by Gabriele Paupini, stage reading and musical selection by Tommaso Tuzzoli with Zoe Pernici, Mirko Soldano and Aida Talliente, sounds by Aida Talliente Child psychology and "Hope there's someone" performed by Giorgio Pacorig, Tinaos production.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Stage readings - "For life" is part of a trilogy that investigates the theme of freedom in three declinations: a freedom that does not question itself about the consequences of one's actions; a freedom that touches on the theme of responsibility; and, here, in For life, a "rejected" freedom, denied to oneself. On stage, a woman, alone, seems to obey the will of a mother who "for good reasons" has relegated her to her room, making her feel terrified and disgusted by life, imprisoned in affirmations, rules, limits. Yet, it is precisely in that prison that she finds freedom. Show by Francesca Garolla, stage reading by and with Aida Talliente, Tinaos production.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

Stage readings - He and she are talking about what is happening in the part of the land where they have always lived; they are talking about the invasions. The sound of a bell awakens them, distracts them; perhaps it scares them. But it's just a guy, a man; he's just a stranger who recently moved there, who asks for some sugar. He just asks for some sugar for his coffee. This banal and ordinary request, however, triggers a mechanism from which it is very difficult to go back. Show by Fabio Pisano, stage reading by Federico Bellini with Jonathan Lazzini, Zoe Pernici and Mirko Soldano, Tinaos production.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

A man on stage: he looks like an illegal parking attendant, a street vendor... a sentry or a supporter... he doesn't say anything about himself, but he talks about those 57 days that divided the Capaci massacre from that of Via D'Amelio... from a unprecedented point of view, that of the people of Palermo. No news, no investigation, no interpretation of the two Judges... But the poetic story of the impact that those 2 bombs had on ordinary lives... from the kids from the suburbs, to Palermo which tried to react. Show by Beatrice Monroy, performed and directed by Giuseppe Provinzano, lighting by Gabriele Gugliara, scenic solutions by Valentina Greco, videomapping Pixel Shapes, sound dramaturgy by Sergio Beercock, Babel production. With the support of the Giovanni Falcone Foundation and in collaboration with Spazio Franco.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos

Location: Teatro dei Fabbri
Category: Theater
Admission by payment

A personal story that with lightness and irony accompanies us to discover the world of juvenile justice in Sicily. A test marked by mistakes, but also by unexpected joys that open up the space of the possible in life paths that are not yet paved. A show by Angelo Campolo and Giulia Drogo with Angelo Campolo, Giorgia Pietribiasi and with Antonio Previti, sets and costumes Giulia Drogo, live music by Giorgia Pietribiasi. Production by DAF Project.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos


Lo spettacolo parte da una suggestione nata dal capolavoro letterario del premio Nobel Ivo Andrić, Il ponte sulla Drina, per attualizzarsi in un percorso in cui suoni, narrazioni e immagini si intrecciano nel raccontare l'importanza dei ponti contrapponendola all'idiozia dei muri. Spettacolo di e con Angelo Floramo, illustrazioni di Aleksandar Zograf, musiche eseguite dal vivo dal gruppo Fior delle Bolge, disegno luci di Mau Willy Tell, produzione Tinaos.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Tinaos
