
Lo spettacolo in dialetto triestino racconta in canzoni (cantate dal vivo) e poesie di illustri verseggiatori locali le caratteristiche della città e delle sue donne. La fantasia dei triestini si è spesso cimentata nel mettere in musica le bellezze della città, i fatti più significativi accaduti nella comunità, come pure i personaggi più caratteristici, producendo così un vasto repertorio di canzoni, anche riprendendo le melodie popolari del vicino lombardo–veneto e quelle della confinante Istria. A questi canti vanno aggiunte le numerose poesie create da vari autori nel musicale e espressivo dialetto triestino, che con versi sempre ricchi di humor illustrano le peculiarità della città, del suo mare e dei suoi abitanti, in particolare delle donne, le famose mule triestine. L'insieme di queste diverse tipologie di musica e poesia costituisce un patrimonio di cultura invero singolare e quasi unico nel panorama italiano, al quale si è voluto attingere per una sorta di vivace ma tenera rappresentazione di alcune delle più significative caratteristiche della nostra città. Ovviamente è solo un insieme di pennellate, affatto esaurienti a descrivere la complessa realtà di Trieste, ma si è inteso mettere assieme con grande allegria canti popolareschi, canzonette d'autore e ispirate poesie, per ricreare così con la massima immediatezza una simpatica rappresentazione di alcuni aspetti della nostra città, su cui domina sovrano il mare. Canta e recita Michela Vitali accompagnata alla tastiera da Bruno Jurcev.

Curated by: Amici delle Iniziative Scout Odv
Spesso si parla dell'amore di Joyce per la lirica, e delle sue performance tenorili. Meno del suo amore per la musica irlandese che, pure, è al centro di molte sue opere: nel racconto I morti di Gente di Dublino è l'aria The Lass of Aughrim che risveglia i ricordi sopiti della protagonista, nell'episodio Sirene di Ulisse risuonano The Last Rose of the Summer, Down by the Salley Gardens e altri motivi tradizionali e, come si sa, Finnegans Wake prende il titolo dall'omonima ballata. L'arpa Celtica di Martina Seleni e il violino di Eliseo Baldizzi si uniscono alla voce della soprano Ilaria Zanetti per introdurci in questo mondo. In caso di maltempo lo spettacolo si trasferisce presso l'auditorium del Museo Revoltella

Curated by: Museo Joyce
Danza, musica e un incrocio di parole: Maria Beatrice Orlando prova a sciogliere l'enigma dell'infelice figlia di Joyce, Lucia, nata a Trieste nel 1907, dotata di una grande creatività e di una pronta intelligenza corporea che la conducono alla danza, a cui dovrà rinunciare per i continui traslochi e le incertezze economiche della sua geniale ma disfunzionale famiglia, fino al punto in cui la sua instabilità psicologica le apre le porte del manicomio in cui, alla fine, si spegne nel 1982. A riportarci la sua storia una celebre fotografia che la ritrae mentre danza con un abito scintillante da sirena, una foto conservata nel portafoglio del suo celebre amante, che per un breve periodo è stato anche segretario del padre James, Samuel Beckett. Concept, testo e musica: Maria Beatrice Orlando; messa in scena ass. RiMe MuTe; Lucia Joyce, soprano: Laura Ulloa; l'anima danzante di Lucia: Valentina Saggin; pianoforte: Petr Yanchuk; percussioni: Francesco Tirelli e Felice Di Paolo; fixed media (audio): Felice Di Paolo; produzione grafica e visual: Lorenzo Bosich. In caso di maltempo lo spettacolo si trasferisce presso l'auditorium del Museo Revoltella.

Curated by: Museo Joyce
Location: Piazza tra i Rivi
Category: Music
Los Ekekos fondono i ritmi latini della cumbia tradizionale con le sonorità della chitarra indie creando un cocktail psicotico che catapulta il pubblico nella selva profonda: un'esperienza vibrante che muta in festa disinibita e ballo sfrenato.

Curated by: Los Ekekos
Category: Music
Il Coro giovanile Liceo "G. Oberdan" propone un viaggio che inizia dalle radici della musica, dalla percussione che affianca, e sottolinea la nostra esistenza. "LeSandrine" ci trasporteranno poi in un viaggio sonoro alla riscoperta delle tradizioni popolari del territorio dell'Istria e di Trieste.
Category: Music
Un evento che riunisce tre giovani realtà cantautorali triestine: Angela Cotterle, The Holy Smog duo e Romastino ci faranno ascoltare i loro brani originali.

Curated by: Angela Cotterle, The Holy Smog duo, Romastino
Location: Bounty Pub
Category: Music
Il party finale non può fare a meno dei Wooden Legs, la "house band" del Bloomsday, con la vivacità e lo struggimento delle loro ballate irlandesi, e delle pinte e della cucina del Bounty Pub. Appuntamento in collaborazione con "Bounty Pub" Prenotazioni al numero 040762952

Curated by: Museo Joyce
Category: Music
La banda porta il nome del famoso compositore di opere sloveno Viktor Parma, nato a Trieste e vanta più di 110 anni di attività.
Category: Music
Il Pihalni Orkester Breg di Dolina ha alle spalle più di cento anni di storia basata su una lunga tradizione. La banda è attualmente composta da circa 35 membri in maggioranza appartenenti alla minoranza slovena, dal 2011 diretta da Edvin Krizmancic.
Category: Music
Il repertorio eseguito dalla Banda abbraccia diversi generi musicali, che vanno dai pezzi di tradizione popolare a brani di musica pop e pezzi swing. Anche alcuni musicisti collaborano alla stesura e all'arrangiamento di alcuni pezzi, contribuendo a mantenere vivo lo spirito di collaborazione tra tutti gli elementi.

Curated by: Banda Ongia
Location: Piazza XXV Aprile
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music

Damon Arabsolgar è poeta, compositore, autore e performer. Parallelamente alla sua intensa attività live con il duo MOMBAO, negli ultimi 6 anni ha segretamente lavorato alla scrittura del suo progetto solista, in cui torna alla sua natura più intima e cantautorale.

Curated by: Damon Arabsolgar, Arturo Zanaica e Giacomo Carlone
Category: Music
The Balkan Sax Music concert, staged by an ensemble of saxophones from the Trieste G.Verdi Civic Wind Orchestra. This is the first appointment of the Venti d'Europa strand, a musical journey built within the orchestra's concert season, designed to delve deeper into authors and traditions from various European countries. The concert presents musical pages from Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. Classic pages of the repertoire such as the Suite Hellenique; or the Romanian Dances by Bela Bartok, will be intertwined with the popular and traditional songs of the countries involved. Leading this musical journey is a sax ensemble composed of 7 saxophonists and two percussionists, directed by Maestro Matteo Firmi. Attrbuted to the facets of this instrument (represented by all the members of the saxophone family, i.e. soprano, alto, tenor and baritone sax) the sounds of the Balkans will be accentuated in an engaging and exciting concert.

Curated by: Civica Orchestra di fiati "G.Verdi" - città di Trieste
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music
Excursus sulle melodie del folklore popolare e d'autore tratte dai progetti elaborati dal coro nel corso degli anni. Canti triestini, regionali, nazionali ed internazionali eseguiti "a cappella" talvolta accompagnati da strumento (fisarmonica).
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music
Nell'istituto i ragazzi hanno la possibilità di studiare chitarra, flauto traverso, pianoforte e strumenti a percussione. Durante l'anno hanno l'occasione di esibirsi pubblicamente in concerti sia all'interno dell'Istituto che presso sedi esterne, come in questo caso.
The Quodlibet Trio - violin, viola, cello. Their roots are anchored in their land, their culture and their origins. Through the music of composers, they present a story of tormented peoples, of a nostalgia of their native land but there is also a reference of a more intimitate nature with ancient primordial songs and the need to be able to dance to still feel alive and be part of a bigger whole. Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Location: Ex casa del Popolo
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music
Esecuzione strumentale di un repertorio che attinge dagli standard della tradizione jazzistica, con pezzi provenenti da musical di Broadway, dalla musica manouche, popolare balcanica e pezzi originali.
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music
The Althea Duo on clarinet and piano. Musical works inspired by the beauty of nature underline the importance of preserving our environment: Music becomes a vehicle for exploring the relationship between Man and Nature, highlighting the need to to protect ecosystems for collective well-being, as well as a powerful means to reflect and promote positive changes in society. Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

The Piccotti - Puig Duo on violin and piano. Water, as a music-generating element, has been an inspiration not only for great artists and composers but also directors, who reminded us that its sound has a hypnotic effect. Dealing with a global problem of water scarcity, it may be that water itself, without our words but with the communicative ability of its own sound, could be the most effective way in raising awareness and reaching those who listen. Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The Topside Brass Band of U.S. Naval Forces, Europe and Africa is an energetic musical ensemble with a vast repertoire of traditional and modern music from New Orleans, Rhythm and Blues, incliding major pop hits, and arrangements of popular songsfrom all over the world. Highly requested on two continents, the Topside band engages and fascinates the audience with a dynamic style, and is perfect for any occasion that requires concerts in support of diplomacy and international collaborations of the Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America in Italy, American Corner Trieste and the Italian American Association FVG.


Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A presentation of the new global crossover phenomenon with its masterful reinterpretations and rearrangements of famous rock and pop songs, film soundtracks and TV series that is conquering the general public and world music stars.

Curated by: Vigna Pr / Good Vibrations Entertainment
Location: Piazza XXV Aprile
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music
Madela è un duo femminile di musica Electro Folk nato nel 2014 a Santiago del Cile. Un viaggio ballabile, in una miscela di ambienti plastici, dove la musica elettronica digitale si fonde con la musica popolare latinoamericana, dando luogo a un suono ibrido accompagnato da un ritmo ipnotico.
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

The Veles Duo, of voice and guitar. A reflection on the duality of human life: on the one hand, the existential, philosophical and introspective aspects of life, looking internally at man, his existence, the fleeting nature of life, of youth, exile and loneliness; on the other,looking at the extroverted and external, popular and joyful side of life.
Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Location: Piazza XXV Aprile
Event: TACT Festival
Category: Music
Una carrellata di brani anni '70 e '80 che vi faranno ballare e cantare...

Curated by: Showband Vecia Trieste
Location: Piazza Verdi
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

Anna Rigoni, on piano, and Marco Fantacuzzi, with direction and photography. From the timbral effects of the water features, to the dark agitation of the ocean, to the brightness of the impressions of moving water: the symbolic message of water as the purifier and elevator of man. Moments of contemplation will alternate with a serious reflection on the current conditions of our planet. 
Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Category: Music
Admission by payment
Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, known by all as the "Cantatessa", Carmen Consoli was the first woman to win the Targa Tenco and is one of the greatest voices loved by the entire national music scene. Ticket presale at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Vigna Pr / Good Vibrations Entertainment

Oleksandr Pushkarenko, violin. A path for a violin solo that sustains the traditions and compositions of the Genoese schools, started by Niccolò Paganini, which represents a particular direction in the world of contemporary violin.
Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Category: Music
Admission by payment

It is the most famous vocal orchestra in Europe and one of the most renowned ensembles in the world: they rearrange and reinterpret great world pop hits a cappella, from Toto to Abba, from Adele to Lady Gaga, from the Bee Gees to David Guetta.
Ticket presales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Vigna Pr / Good Vibrations Entertainment

The Mazzarotto Duo - Iaiza, violin, piano. A concert that goes beyond listening, transforming it into a sensorial immersion of the human soul and nature's beauty. The binding narrative is entrusted to the feelings of the two Virgilian characters, Dido and Aeneas, who come to life through the painful simplicity of the Sonata by Giuseppe Tartini, the renowned Istrian composer and violinist.
Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Singer, songwriter, guitarist, actor, the Irishman Glen Hansard is recognized as the poet of folk music and is one of the most loved voices on the international music scene: he won an Oscar in 2008, together with Markéta Irglová, for best original song (Falling Slowly from the film, Once) and has often collaborated with Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam. Ticket presales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Location: Piazza Verdi
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

Symphonic Orchestra of the "G. Tartini" Conservatory of Music of Trieste, Silvia Massarelli, director, Giacomo Seguglia, narrator, Francesco Lopergolo, Claudio Tuti, Giorgio Cividal, multivisions. "Si vitam inspicias hominum, si denique mores cum culpant alios: nemo sinecrimoni vivit" Cato, Couples. If you look at the lives of people, if you look at their behavior when they blame others: no one lives without blame...
Seat reservation
Event of the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy.

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
Category: Music

A show of music and prose in Piazza Unità d'Italia for the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy. Performed by Lorena Bianchetti with the participation of Riccardo Cocciante, Roberto Vecchioni, Malika Ayane, Simone Cristicchi, Amara, the FVG Orchestral, conducted by maestro Leonardo De Amicis.

Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

In occasione della Settimana Sociale dei Cattolici Italiani che si terrà a Trieste dal 3 al 7 luglio 2024 dalla CEI - Conferenza Episcopale Italiana – alla vigilia della visita di Papa Francesco, l’orchestra d’archi “I Solisti di ESYO” è stata invitata ad esibirsi nell'ambito degli eventi di TriestEstate 2024. L’ensemble è composto da 17 giovani musicisti che si sono distinti durante i tour di concerti ESYO nelle ultime tre stagioni. Essi rappresentano l’eccellenza dei musicisti all’interno di ESYO e sono invitati a esibirsi nelle occasioni speciali, come in questo caso.

Per la registrazione

Curated by: Scuola per giovani musicisti europei SGME
Location: Villa Engelmann
Category: Music
Nel Drum Circle chiunque può suonare liberamente, senza parti definite, con la guida del Facilitatore che porta il gruppo dalla iniziale fase di scoperta alla fase di consapevolezza musicale.

Curated by: Marco Rossignoli
Location: Villa Engelmann
Category: Music
Location: Villa Engelmann
Category: Music
Non solo un concerto: un viaggio nell'essenza del migrare come condizione umana, esplorando paesaggi e nuove prospettive attraverso la musica in lingua originale di più di 20 paesi.

Curated by: Chiara Gelmini
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The FVG Chamber Orchestra, directed by Romolo Gessi. A brilliant programme, with the great emotions of screen music. From the classics of Henry Mancini and Ennio Morricone, to the timeless melodies of James Bond, Grease, Titanic, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean and other masterpieces. An experience to relive the magic of the soundtracks of Hollywood's greatest successes.

Curated by: Associazione Musicale Aurora Ensemble, con il contributo della Regione FVG

The New Trio featuring Mario Rosini: Paolo Pellegatti on drums, Giancarlo Porro on Sax, Yazan Grezelin-Hammond (with Mario Rosini) on voice and piano. Three internationally renowned musicians perofrming a repertoire that includes the great classics and some original songs, always based on the typical sounds of the "Organ Trio" and the artistic skills of the three performers. The trio is joined for TriesteLovesJazz by the great voice of Mario Rosini, singer, pianist, composer, teacher of Jazz singing at the "E. R. Duni" conservatory in Matera.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Viceversa - The music of Charles Mingus: Flavio Davanzo - trumpet, Riccardo Pitacco - trombone, Gabriele De Leporini - guitar, Giovanni Maier - bass, Francesco Vattovaz - drums. This project by Giovanni Maier is entitled "Viceversa" and is a round trip from Mingus to current events. Each of the musicians contributed to the arrangement of the songs which, thanks to the effective assimilation of Mingusian sounds, were returned with a modern and specific approach of each individual personality of the ensemble.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Mike Sponza & Central Europe Blues Convention is a musical project that celebrates a with a European twist of the Blues. Led by Mike Sponza, a renowned guitarist and singer, the group brings together talent from all over Europe, offering authentically engaging performances.

Curated by: Mike Sponza

An evening with Roberto Fabbriciani exploring contemporary music, with a tribute to Luigi Nono, and concrete music with Roberto Doati, the greatest exponent of the genre in Italy.

Curated by: Associazione Musica Libera
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Based in Brooklyn/NYC, Kennedy Administartion is a band composed of the best young musicians in NYC intertwining jazz, R&B, hip-hop and pop and is led by two minds: the charismatic singer Kennedy and her musical partner, the keyboardist and producer extraordinary Ondre J, long-time collaborator of Gregory Porter. New York was also the city where Kennedy Administration gained enormous popularity with thanks to a six-year residency at the "Groove", a trendy venue in Manhattan where funky, soul and pop is played, which made them an established presence and soon became the new top group on the New York scene. Since 2015 they have played at some of the biggest European and Asian festivals.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

An evening dedicated to improvisational music led by musician Andrea Massaria.

Curated by: Associazione Musica Libera
Category: Music
Admission by payment

In the centenary of Puccini, Verdi dedicates his last and most challenging work to the great composer. A skilful mix of Western tradition and Eastern mimesis, perfect for the international port of Trieste which for centuries has cultivated cultural and commercial influences towards the East. Concertmaster and Director Enrico Calesso. Directed by Davide Garattini Raimondi. Orchestra, Choir and Technicians of the Giuseppe Verdi Lyric Theater Foundation of Trieste.
Teatro Verdi ticket office, Vivaticket circuit or before the show which can also be purchased at the San Giusto Castle.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste

Harmelogic: Kris Korat - piano and Damir Mazrek – percussion. The original compositions of the piano percussion duo Harmelogic are inspired by different musical traditions: from those of Balkan, Mediterranean and African music to elements of jazz, blues and Hip Hop. In ten years of work Kris and Damir have developed their own very personal musical style, creating a unique interaction between percussion and piano. They present their recently released album "Point of views".

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Luca Ciut – piano, live electronics. Luca Ciut presents his new show “Allow Yourself” based on the album of the same name released in 2024. The inspiration for this project came from the desire to create songs that could serve as a source of inspiration for others, building musical worlds where everyone has the opportunity to feel welcomed, understood, accepted and free to pursue their own aspirations.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Il Complesso Bandistico dell'Oratorio Salesiano, nasce nel 1898. L'origine della divisa risale ai tempi della marina Austro-Ungarica: ancora oggi è conosciuta come la banda dei marinaretti. Oggi è diretta da Sergio Bernetti.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The myth of Italian song, sung and told through stories, news and curiosities; an emotional journey into the creative universe of Lucio Battisti and his music, to be sung together in an acoustic version.

Curated by: Acsd Toc Toc Trieste

The Enerbia group sustains the uninterrupted thread that unites classical and popular music in the extraordinary soundscape of the North West Apennines, the mountainous border area between Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont and Lombardy. Thi is the land of original instruments such as the piva, the ancient bagpipe of the Apennines, and the popular oboe, called piffero, of dance and singing which together constitute a musical tradition of great vitality of the Four Provinces.

Curated by: Associazione Musica Libera
Category: Music
Admission by payment

In the centenary of Puccini, Verdi dedicates his last and most challenging work to the great composer. A skilful mix of Western tradition and Eastern mimesis, perfect for the international port of Trieste which for centuries has cultivated cultural and commercial influences towards the East. Concertmaster and Director Enrico Calesso. Directed by Davide Garattini Raimondi. Orchestra, Choir and Technicians of the Giuseppe Verdi Lyric Theater Foundation of Trieste.
Teatro Verdi ticket office, Vivaticket circuit or before the show which can also be purchased at the San Giusto Castle.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Category: Music
Nel Drum Circle chiunque può suonare liberamente, senza parti definite, con la guida del Facilitatore che porta il gruppo dalla iniziale fase di scoperta alla fase di consapevolezza musicale.

Curated by: Marco Rossignoli

TSLoves Quartet: Francesco De Luisa - piano, Gabriele De Leporini - guitar, Andrea Turchet - bass and Gabriele Centis - drums. TSLovesJazzQuartet is the "House band" of the 2024 edition of the Festival. A group of musicians of great sensitivity and experience who have given life in recent years to various formations and musical projects under the acronym TriesteLovesJazz. This is again an opportunity to share their music with the public and celebrate the annual event of the Festival.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Tratto da "Le città invisibili" di Italo Calvino con animazioni, note, canto e parole. Le voci, le note e le opere visuali create con la tecnica dell'intaglio di carta rendono lo show un'opera unica, di grande suggestione e coinvolgimento.

Curated by: Alaska Project Band
Category: Music
Admission by payment

In the centenary of Puccini, Verdi dedicates his last and most challenging work to the great composer, a skilful mix of Western tradition and Eastern mimesis, perfect for the international port of Trieste which for centuries has cultivated cultural and commercial contamination towards the East. Concertmaster and Director Enrico Calesso. Directed by Davide Garattini Raimondi. Orchestra, Choir and Technicians of the Giuseppe Verdi Lyric Theater Foundation of Trieste.
Teatro Verdi ticket office, Vivaticket circuit or before the show which can also be purchased at the San Giusto Castle.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Category: Music
Creato per il quartiere di Valmaura, Faces su immagini di Paola Pisani, visual di Milos Mladenovic e musica di Roberto Crisma è un evento "dance", che risponde a molteplici obiettivi: collaborare con il quartiere offrendo l'occasione concreta di partecipare alla creazione della serata attraverso sguardi molteplici, su persone o su angoli architettonici inusuali offrendo, in questo modo, anche a chi non conosce questi spazi, un'apertura inedita e partecipata attraverso il ritmo la pluralità di immaginari che la musica ispira. Immagini Paola Pisani, VJ Milos Mladenovic, DJ Roberto Crisma.

Curated by: Immagini Paola Pisani, VJ Milos Mladenovic, DJ Roberto Crisma

Sergio Giangaspero - guitar.
The concert is inspired by the synesthetic LiquidGuitar project, started in 2019 together with the artist Francesca Danese, with the aim of expressing the same content through music and figurative art. The album "LiquidGuitar", including the eleven Preludes and the images of the related watercolors, was published in 2021. The concert will open with a medley of songs by "historic" Brazilian guitarists. Some of these were published in two albums of the Imagens Quartet project (2010, 2013) and in the album “Solos & duets” (2023), all three published by Anelli Records.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music

In una serata dedicata alla musica brasiliana la Banda Berimbau porterà in scena il suo show di batucada proponendo ritmi provenienti da differenti zone del Brasile, nello stile delle scuole di samba di Rio e dei blocos afro di Salvador de Bahia.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Berimbau Aps
Category: Music
Esibizione live della band BBF, power trio di musica blues-rock con pezzi originali.

Curated by: Pietro Brunetti, Claudio Banelli, Carlo Forgiarini
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

An international orchestra, comprised of between 50 and 100 musicians from all continents, who have gathered in the summer months since 2003 to create a new program lasting an hour and a half. Participants, who learn from each other, are guided by a group of experts. Etno HistEria plays without scores, creating new dynamics through improvisation, proposing a series of multi-ethnic musical pieces, enriched by the typical local sounds of each musician, which the participants harmonize in just five days, creating original complex arrangements. Etno HistEria sets off on its tour, serving listeners a musical potpourri created with the contribution of each participant. They are interactive concerts in which there is no shortage of improvisation which makes each event dynamic and unexpected, both for the audience and for the orchestra.

Curated by: Zveza Slovenskih Kulturnih Društev Ets

Since its formation in 2018, The K.U.T. Trio has played countless concerts. They are now considered one of the leading guitar trios of modern jazz in Europe. The Old Souls CD was released in the summer of 2020, arousing enormous interest from critics and the international press.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc

The musical universe proposed by the Composer Women project is intimate, intense and entirely female. It gives voice and soul to internationally renowned composers and singers who have left an indelible mark as refined authors with great artistic sensitivity such as Joni Mitchell and Carole King. It highlights milestones for the numerous singer-songwriters who in the following decades were inspired by them, intense poets such as Violeta Parra, Dorothy Fields, visceral singer-songwriters and performers like Billie Holiday, artists like Dulce Pontes, Marisa Monte, women activists who are ambassadors of peace and equality like Noa, Cesaria Evora, and unique musicians with an unmistakable style like Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, Etta James , Diane Schuur.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Riccardo Chiarion Trio: Riccardo Chiarion – guitar, Paolo Jus – bass and Francesco Vattovaz – drums. The trio offers a repertoire of original compositions by Riccardo Chiarion, ranging from jazz to contemporary music. Among Riccardo Chiarion's most significant collaborations are the one with the English pianist John Taylor, the one with the Canadian trumpeter Kenny Wheeler, and the one with the Friulian pianist Glauco Venier. Riccardo Chiarion has made four albums as a leader, “Sirene”, “Mosaico”, “Waves” and “Quiet Stories”. Riccardo Chiarion also has extensive experience as a jazz guitar teacher in conservatories. He has held courses at the conservatories of Rovigo and Udine and is currently a professor at the conservatory of Trieste.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

For TriesteLovesJazz, Mičetić presents the new project Guitars' Dialogue: Bruno Mičtić guitars' dialogue, featuring one of the most famous Croatian guitarists and composers, Bruno Mičetić. During his rich musical career Bruno Mičetić has collaborated and played with numerous established musicians. The "Guitars' Dialogue" project represents an artistic choice towards a completely new style - as an author and musician he finds inspiration in the beauty of nature and evokes it through a combination of electric and acoustic guitar sounds.
A concert organized in collaboration with the Croatian Community of Trieste Hrvatska zajednica u Trstu

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

This is always: After Kepos (2014 El Gallo Rojo Records) and Elpis (2020 Skirl Records), the trio of drummer Zeno De Rossi, Francesco Bigoni on tenor sax and clarinet and Giorgio Pacorig on piano, released its third album, "This Is Always", on the 22nd April 2022 for Hora Records. The trio renews a ten-year partnership that now moves into totally acoustic territory, creating soundscapes that defy categorization.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Aldevis Tibaldi 4ttet featuring Ares Tavolazzi, with Aldevis Tibaldi – sax, Leon Brenko – piano, Ares Tavolazzi - bass, Marco Quarantotto – drums. After three albums of mainly original compositions, the fourth album by the Trieste saxophonist, Aldevis Tibaldi, is dedicated to the music of Duke Ellington. Brenko and Quarantotto are prominent representatives of the Croatian jazz scene. Ares Tavolazzi, one of the leading musicians of Italian and international jazz, was the double bass player on Aldevis Tibaldi's debut album in 1997.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Luttazzi Legacy Trio Manuel Magrini, piano - Massimo Moriconi, bass - Giovanni Colasanti, drums. Immancabile serata dedicata al Maestro Lelio Luttazzi. Quest'anno TriesteLovesJazz proseguono i festeggiamenti per il centenario della nascita del grande musicista triestino. Ritorna a Trieste Massimo Moriconi storico collaboratore del Maesro con cui ha condivisoinnumerevoli concerti e registrazioni. Moriconi uno dei più noti ed apprezzati bassisti italiani, sara affiancato da manuel Magrini , un giovane artista che dopo la vittoria del "Premio Lelio Luttazzi" sta collezionando sempre più successi e da Giovanni Colasanti alla batteria, allievo di Roberto Gatto e forte di molte collaborazioni con jazzisti di calibro internazionale.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A foundational work not only in high musical culture, but also well represented in the mainstream imagination, from Kubrik to being the official anthem of the European celebrations, Beethoven's majestic Ninth Symphony will certainly take on a new flavor within the imposing walls of the Castle of San Giusto . Director Alessandro D'Agostini. Orchestra and Choir of the Giuseppe Verdi Lyric Theater Foundation of Trieste. With the participation of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Choir.
Teatro Verdi ticket office, Vivaticket circuit or before the show which can also be purchased at the San Giusto Castle. In case of bad weather the show will be held at the Teatro Verdi.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Category: Music
Complesso musicale, diretto da Andrea Sfetez, formato prevalentemente da strumentisti a fiato che, grazie alla collaborazione di percussioni, contrabbasso, e voci riescono a proporre dei programmi musicali ben contestualizzati al luogo di esecuzione.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

LaPeka is a musical collective created in Trieste in January 2023, which consists of very heterogeneous musicians in terms of training and artistic experiences. The intent is to present one's own idea of ​​music, moving away from the logic of the musical genre. The repertoire of original songs featured by the group is dominated by a varied Afro-Latin rhythmic matrix on which melodies inspired by popular music and jazz improvisations are based.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.

Marco Castelli – sax and Marco Ponchiroli – piano. "Songs for a Desert Island" is a work of uncommon quality. The saxophonist Marco Castelli and the pianist Marco Ponchiroli undertook an intense and evocative journey among some great composers of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. At the end of this long exploration the two musicians chose twelve songs, compositions of different genres and of different temporal and geographical origins. from Beethoven to Chopin, from Tchaikowski to Schumann, from Scriabin to Verdi, from Handel to Ellington, from Jobim to Piazzolla, from Morricone to John Williams. The duo's jazz is evocative and lyrical, and they are not afraid to borrow songs from the European classical tradition, from famous soundtracks or from great South American music.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The Elton Show is a celebration of Elton John's greatest hits performed by Italian-Australian musician C. J. Marvin and his band. For an unforgettable event, join the celebration of one of the most iconic and beloved artists in the world.

Curated by: The Elton Show AS
Location: Piazza Perugino
Category: Music
Per celebrare il 25esimo anniversario di Enema Of The State i Dick Lips suoneranno l'album per intero e tante altre hit dei Blink-182!

Curated by: The Dick Lips

Alba&Leo&Co: Alba Nacinovich - voice, Leo Škec - guitar, Aldo Foško – bass clarinet, Rosa Brunello - bass and Marco D'Orlando – drums. Singer-songwriter and instrumentalist, Alba Nacinovich and guitarist, Leo Škec, are the leaders of this top-level quintet. At TsLovesJazz they present the album "Adultish EP", which the duo Alba&Leo recorded in London last year and from which the singles "A Little House With A Triangular Roof" and "Won't Be Back Soon" were taken. Alba Nacinovich approached music very early, winning the "Zecchino d'Argento" at the Zecchino d'Oro in 1993. After studying classical piano with Maestro Roberto Haller, she obtained a Master's degree in Jazz Singing, graduating with the highest honors grades at the “Giuseppe Tartini” Conservatory of Trieste under the guidance of professors Klaus Gesing and Glauco Venier. She attended part of her studies at the “Escola Superior de Música, Artes e Espectáculo”.
Concert organized in collaboration with the Croatian Community of Trieste Hrvatska zajednica u Trstu.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Perugino
Category: Music
Serenade Ensemble nasce dall'incontro di diversi strumenti e diversi musicisti, i quali, innamorati della musica, hanno deciso di sedersi uno accanto all'altro per suonare insieme e per avvicinare al magico mondo della musica bambini ed adulti.
Location: Piazza Perugino
Category: Music
L'Orchestra a Fiati Ricmanje diretta dal maestro Aljosa Tavéar ha un repertorio molto vasto. Spazia dai brani della tradizione slovena alla musica classica, dalle musiche da film e dei musical americani alle melodie di famosi film di animazione.

Moonwalk Duet - A piano tribute to Michael Jackson. The project originated from an idea by Marco Ballaben, inspired by the 40th anniversary of the release into the world market of "Thriller", perhaps the best-selling album in the history of pop. Much of that work and other very famous pieces by the artist will be revisited and arranged for two pianos. The duo is made up of Marco Ballaben and Sebastian Di Bin, an award-winning classical musician.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Perugino
Category: Music
Fin dal 1997, i musicisti "Fumo di Londra" presentano le canzoni dialettali triestine in modo moderno, dinamico e partecipativo legandole alla vita di una volta, ridendoci sopra e facendo partecipare animatamente il pubblico.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A breakthrough twentieth-century "cantata" based on the inspiration of medieval poetic compositions found at the beginning of the 19th century in the Bura of San Benedetto in Upper Bavaria, and it has always fascinated a transversal audience, from Metal to the cinematic rediscovery and literary recreation of the fantastic Middle Ages in the wake of new tradition of authors like Tolkien. For the special occasion in the impressive San Giusto Castle, the Verdi Theater choir will be joined by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia choir to reach the remarkable number of over 80 voices. Directed by Giuseppe Grazioli, with the Orchestra and Choir of the Giuseppe Verdi Lyric Theater Foundation of Trieste and with the participation of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Choir.
Teatro Verdi ticket office, Vivaticket circuit or before the show which can also be purchased at the San Giusto Castle. In case of bad weather the show will be held at the Teatro Verdi.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste

Rhythm and Brahms. An exploration of German genius in a jazz key for two pianos. Pianists Luca Sacher and Riccardo Morpurgo present an original and unusual program centered on the figure of Johannes Brahms. In his music we also find harmonic and rhythmic languages ​​that predict the musical styles of the 20th century. Starting from Sacher's interpretation of the original pieces taken from the collections opus 39, 118, 119, Morpurgo will offer his improvisations on them.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Rachel Z and Omar Hakim are musicians with world-class experience in the most varied languages, from jazz to fusion to pop music. Rachel has been a close collaborator of Peter Gabriel, Wayne Shorter, Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller, Al Di Meola and Steps Ahead and has 13 acclaimed albums as a bandleader. Omar Hakim established himself as the drummer of the legendary Weather Report. In the jazz field he also worked with Miles Davis, George Benson and John Scofield, simultaneously starting a stellar career as a session musician serving stars of the caliber of Sting, David Bowie, Mark Knopfler's Dire Straits, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Madonna, and Anita Baker.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A tribute to Sergio Endrigo, but also to Trieste which he always carried in his heart, after having left as a boy during the exodus from Pola. Performing on stage is, Marzia Postogna, who has already dedicated many musical moments to the singer-songwriter, together with Eduardo Contizanetti, a guitar virtuoso. “Trieste” is the piece of pure poetry that Marzia Postogna has repeatedly highlighted in numerous events. He dedicated extraordinary pages to his Pola, seasoned with nostalgia and regret, and aagain the love songs “Io che amo solo te” and “Lontano dalle occhi”. Tickets are on sale at TicketPoint in Galleria Rossoni-Corso Italia 9 - Trieste; online at and on site one hour before the show.

Curated by: Associazione Internazione dell'Operetta FVG

Musical tribute to San Giacomo - The magical world of woodwind with the chamber music of the Wind Ensemble.

Curated by: Amici delle Iniziative Scout Odv

Kalus Gesing, internationally renowned saxophonist and clarinetist, and Ana Pilat, author and singer, present for the first time at the festival the project, Songs from an unknown land, which combines lyrics and music in a particularly inspired and original piece of research in which a group of musicians of the highest level ere involved, namely: Ana Pilat - vocals & lyrics; Klaus Gesing - bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, compositions & arrangements; Simone Locarni - piano; Yuri Goloubev - bass; Roberto Dani - drums, percussion; Rosa Mussin - vocals; Annamaria Varsori – vocals. This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Concerto di musica classica a cura del Teatro Lirico G. Verdi dedicato ai 100 anni dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste. Il concerto ripercorrerà musicalmente alcune tappe del '900 italiano con brani composti in anni particolarmente significativi per la storia dell'Ateneo triestino. L'evento, come molte altre iniziative organizzate nel contesto delle celebrazioni del Centenario, punta a portare l'Università in città per coinvolgere i cittadini triestini e i turisti in un momento conviviale e musicale che racconti il passato, il presente e il futuro di UniTS. In caso di maltempo il concerto si terrà al Teatro Lirico G. Verdi.

Curated by: Università degli Studi di Trieste - Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi
Category: Music

Antennae, by the famous Serbian composer Aleksandra Vrebalov, for Byzantine singers, choir, and ensemble, has its incipit with the Choir of the Chapel of San Spiridione of Trieste which performs extracts from Liturgy, a piece by its nineteenth-century founder, the Triestine Francesco Sinico. Concert organized by the G. Tartini Conservatory of Trieste with the collaboration of the University of Arts of Belgrade, the Academy of Arts of Novisad, the St. Jovan Damaskin Choir, the B. Marcello Conservatory of Venice and the Serbian Church Choir - Orthodox Church of Saint Spyridon.

Curated by: Conservatorio G. Tartini di Trieste
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Adam Holzman is one of the leading keyboard players and pianists on the New York scene. He has played with Miles Davis, Steps Ahead, Michael Petrucciani, Robben Ford, Marcus Miller, Steve Wilson, Grover Washington, Lenny White... He was the musical director of Miles Davis' electric group. Adam Holzman - Keyboards; Stefano Olivato - bass and chromatic harmonica; Davide Ragazzoni - drums.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A special concert to relive the musical history of one of the greatest authors of our century: "La Sera dei Miracoli" ("The evening of Miracles")is the exciting tribute to Lucio Dalla, a leading show on the circuit that has already filled the main Italian theaters. Ticket presales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Category: Music

Celebrations, homage to G. Puccini. Reciting voice: Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, from letters and librettos by Puccini - Archivio Ricordi. At the piano Maestro Morelli: Le Villi, Edgar, Tosca, La Bohème, Madama Butterfly, Turandot. Soprano: Ilaria Alida Quilico."

Curated by: Movie&Theater

It is a quartet originating from the club sessions and concerts held by Magris in Rijeka in recent months together with the saxophonist Denis Razz and other excellent Croatian jazz musicians. The group, which is developing a concert activity in Croatia, will record a CD in the autumn for the American label JMood, of which Magris is musical director. The sound of the quartet is "energetic emotional" jazz (spiritual jazz, ballads, blues, Coltrane/Tyner heritage), with a repertoire aimed at those who love modern modal and mainstream jazz. Roberto Magris – piano; Denis Razz – alto sax; Vedran Ružić – bass; Rajko Ergić – drums.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

The Trash Nite, a historic city entertainment format produced by Anubi, hosts a special guest appearance by Cristina D'avena who will sing some of her most famous and iconic pieces.
Pre-sales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Hot House Gospel Choir are a gospel choir from all over England, on tour in Italy with their band! From the well-known and upbeat Oh Happy Day and I will follow Him (Sister Act), ranging from American standards such as Ain't no Mountain High Enough, to the intimate You Raise me Up (Josh Groban), with Hot House Gospel Choir , entertainment is ensured!

Curated by: Sole Italian Tours
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

FiloSofia Salsa Band is all the energy and fun of Caribbean rhythms in Croatian "salsa". Led by trumpeter Darko Sedak-Benčić, this 12-piece band fuses Caribbean tradition with innovative and sophisticated musical research.

Curated by: Comunità croata di Trieste - Hrvatska zajednica u Trstu
Il CarrozzONE al nono anno di attività, è un gruppo di amici,una jam itinerante amante della musica che con leggerezza interagisce con il pubblico di tutte le età per trascorrere momenti in allegria con cover di vari generi musicali dal folk al pop, dal blues al rock.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

It was January 3, 1954 when RAI began television broadcasts in Italy. The concert “Music TV History” by the Civic Wind Orchestra ""G. Verdi"" is a tribute to the Italian radio and television language, in which we will retrace history asking ourselves what TV meant at the time it was born, what content it transmitted and how these have changed over the years. The musical programme, performed by the full orchestra directed by maestro Matteo Firmi, will range, among others, from “Prelude” from Carmen by G. Bizet, “I got Rhythm” by G. Gershwin, “Dream of flying” by C. Tin, “Independence Day” by D. Arnold, “Mancini's March!” by H. Mancini, “Don Camillo e Peppone” by A. Cicognini. The concert will take the audience on a historical musical journey through famous soundtracks, pages of jazz, classical music, interspersed with the historical theme tunes of our TV, a TV that over the course of 70 years has educated its audiences in all artforms.

Curated by: Civica Orchestra di fiati "G.Verdi" - città di Trieste
Category: Music
Admission by payment

The great rock successes come to life in a symphonic key in a concert event with orchestra, bands and solo singers... from the Rolling Stones to Guns N'Roses, passing through AC/DC, Queen, Pink Floyd, Scorpions and many others!
Pre-sales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Originari dell'incantevole altipiano Carsico, questa band incanta gli ascoltatori con il loro autentico ska originale dal 1999. Dai toni calipso ai balli frenetici dello ska e ai ritmi incalzanti del rocksteady, ogni brano è un'esperienza unica che cattura lo spirito dell'isola!
Category: Music
"Una Banda di Storie", un omaggio alla banda nei suoi secoli di storia. Il concerto si aprirà con la potenza dell'alba seguita da Pagine di Holst e Puccini,poi le marce e le sue evoluzioni, e per finire le colonne sonore. Direttori Irina Perosa e Matteo Firmi.

Curated by: Filarmonica di Santa Barbara
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A concert dedicated to the unforgettable Maestro Ezio Bosso, created by the Foundation with the participation of musicians from the orchestra and guest musicians who shared the joy of remembering with the music and words of the Maestro who was a unique personality in the musical field and as as the resident guest director of the Teatro Verdi, left an indelible mark on the city of Trieste.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Immersed in an emotional journey that only music is able to evoke, the candlelight event takes place in an intimate and enveloping atmosphere. The singers Sibilla Serafini and Raffaele Prestinenzi, accompanied by the Zero Band, will present a new program dedicated to screen music and musicals

Curated by: Associazione Mozart Italia - sede di Trieste
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The Transónica Tango Orchestra, directed by bandoneonist Patricio Bonfiglio, combines traditional Argentinian tango with contemporary sounds, using traditional and "atypical" instruments whose timbre and color are well suited to new sounds.

Curated by: Transonica Tango Orchestra
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Music, words and emotions by and for Gaetano Donizetti. A program that includes the most beautiful lounge arias of the Italian romantic period of Donizetti, a very fervent composer, who wrote twelve operas in three years. His ability lay in what was defined as the "poetics of haste", where the creative imagination, instead of being disturbed by deadlines, was urged and always kept under tension. During the evening we will share the life and music of G. Donizetti with a look towards the future. With the soloists of the Accademia Lirica Santa Croce of Trieste, Maestro Fabio Zanin on the piano,and the direction of Maestro Alessandro Svab.

Curated by: Accademia Lirica Santa Croce di Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

In the heart of the Trieste summer, a great surprise arrives at the Teatro Verdi from Australia, after a prestigious performance in the Cadogan Hall theater in London in February 2022 with the BBC Concert Orchestra: MIMMA, a musical that tells of an intense story of friendship and of the still under-investigated adventures of our compatriots living in England during the Second World War.
Ticket office of the Verdi Theater in Trieste - or on the Vivaticket circuit.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

In the heart of the Trieste summer, a great surprise arrives at the Teatro Verdi from Australia, after a prestigious performance in the Cadogan Hall theater in London in February 2022 with the BBC Concert Orchestra: MIMMA, a musical that tells of an intense story of friendship and of the still under-investigated adventures of our compatriots living in England during the Second World War.
Ticket office of the Verdi Theater in Trieste - or on the Vivaticket circuit.

Curated by: Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A live concert by the Italian-English artist, Eddie Cat, presenting the album "Accidentally on purpose".

Curated by: Associazione 1000 Streets
Category: Music
Admission by payment

An event that celebrates contemporary Italian music. Created in 2019 and in these past five years, the format has won over the public of the north-east with performances in the major clubs and in numerous squares, recording numerous sold-outs events. Pre-sales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr

Category: Music

On the occasion of the centenary of the death of Giacomo Puccini, the Civic Wind Orchestra “G. Verdi” – city of Trieste presents ""Puccini's women"", a musical show where starting from an imaginary interview with the granddaughter of the Maestro of Lucca, we will try to understand and deepen the relationship between Puccini and the female universe. We will be investigating whether, for example, his heroines, protagonists of the musical works, were similar to the women in his life or what the relationship was with his sisters. Produced by the “G.Verdi” Civic Wind Orchestra – city of Trieste, topic and idea by Matteo Firmi and Raffaele Prestinenzi, who also attended to the screenplay. The opera pages are by Giacomo Puccini and original music by Matteo Firmi. Performed by the musical ensemble of the G.Verdi Civic Wind Orchestra, soprano singers Anna Viola and Angela Romeo, and actors Fabiana Polli and Raffaele Prestinenzi.

Curated by: Civica Orchestra di fiati "G.Verdi" - città di Trieste
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

We are reaching the conclusion of an extremely challenging selection for the winner of the Rock x Contest, which saw a heated competition between musical groups, performing at the Montedoro Musics Station, from across our Region, Slovenia and Croatia, as well as talented emerging artists from Trieste. The Final Four event will take place in the prestigious setting of Piazza Verdi, during which the winnersfrom the following groups will be announced: Equation Error (Mathematic Metal, Trieste) - Guilty of Joy (Grunge, Ljubljana, Slovenia) - Zasvoj (Alternative Rock, Slovenia) ) - The Red & The Butchers (Garage, Pordenone) - Cavana (Alternative Rock, Trieste). We invite everyone to participate in this unique evening in the name of Rock n Roll!

Curated by: Rock Out x Project
Category: Music
L'Orchestra di Fiati Arcobaleno propone un viaggio dove il pubblico verrà immerso in un arcobaleno di musiche. I colori dell'arcobaleno possono variare in relazione a luce e pioggia, allo stesso modo anche la musica sprigiona sempre energia e colore.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A concert of traditional Celtic music with dancers filling the stage choreography. Traveling Triskell Event.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Uther Pendragon
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Appearing on the Italian independent scene with an artistic vision that transcends traditional genres, fusing literary narrative and sound experimentation, Vasco Brondi has charted a new course in the Italian singer-songwriter panorama.
Ticket presales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Location: Fontana di Barcola
Category: Music

Uno spettacolo che saprà far emozionare e muovere tutti gli spettatori presenti, grazie alle tipiche percussioni di Rio de Janeiro, ma anche agli strumenti a corda quali chitarra e cavaquinho e gli strumenti a fiato, per un mix di profonde melodie accompagnate dall'incalzante ritmo scandito dalle percussioni.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Berimbau
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Concerto con gli allievi del corso intensivo per performer di musical “The academy”, fondato dagli interpreti di fama mondiale Ramin Karimloo ed Earl Carpenter.
Un evento regalato alla cittadinanza dal Teatro Rossetti, con brani dai musical più amati tra cui “Sweeney Todd” e “The Phantom of the Opera”

Category: Music
Admission by payment

A night entirely dedicated to Queen with a captivating show that will project the legendary band into the contemporary world. It combines today's technologies with a scrupulous study of the sounds and energy of the great English band.
Ticket presales at all Ticketone sales points and on the website

Curated by: Good Vibrations Entertainment / Vigna Pr
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The Flores del Sur musical group explores and performs traditional music from Latin America, including engaging styles still unfamiliar in Europe. Inspired by genres such as Peru's "musica criolla", Venezuelan Joropo, Cuban son and Colombian cumbia, the group is comprised of musicians of different backgrounds and nationalities.

Curated by: Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta FVG
Category: Music

Campo della Parrocchia di Melara, Via Carlo Forlanini.
I Fratelli Lambretta Ska Jazz portano sul palco la loro musica originale: un mix fra la raffinatezza delle armonie jazz, la spensieratezza dei ritmi jamaicani ed una spruzzata di sano rock. Musica strumentale, trainata dalla frontline di 4 fiati.

Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Falling in love with Fabrizio: The story of a love through music" is a show designed to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the death of Fabrizio De André, the famous Italian singer-songwriter. Through a combination of iconic songs, intimate anecdotes and visual images, the show offers a profound insight into the whirlwind love story between De André and Dori Ghezzi. From the poignant and poetic lyrics to the melodies that touch the strings of the soul, the audience will be transported into the inner world of "Faber" and his vision of love and life.

Curated by: Unione Arti Performative APS
Category: Music

A musical tale dedicated to the magical creatures that live in the enchanted woods together with humans in a type of engaging spell reconstructed in the English garden of the eighteenth-century villa. The artists present in their musical garden the knowledge of green living beings through the melodic language of their branches.

Curated by: S@ngiorgio 2020 Associazione culturale
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The ESYO is a unique orchestra by way of its composition, the way it is formed, and its objectives. It is considered by many to be an example of musical excellence and an intercultural encounter between young people. A training project that has proven over the years to be a formidable tool for the promotion of cultural cooperation and European integration. It is exemplary proof that the European dream is possible, that it is young and has a symphonic soul that resonates perfectly in harmony, thanks to the plurality of its voices, cultures and traditions, and the young musicians who form it can be considered ambassadors of musical excellence and European cultural values.

Curated by: Associazione culturale Scuola per giovani musicisti europei Aps
Category: Music
La società bandistica "Nabrežina" fu costituita nel 1897, attualmente i direttori sono Sergio Gratton e Iztok Cergolj. Il repertorio comprende diversi pezzi, dalle canzoni tipiche slovene alle arie, jazz e pezzi moderni.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A concert with the most beautiful arias from Disney musicals, presented in the centenary of the organisation's formation. With the singers Stefania Seculin, Gianluca Sticotti, Elisa Colummi, Francesca Marsi and Matteo Ferrari,and the musical band with Alessandro Scolz (piano), Antonio Kozina (violin), Marco Steffè (guitar), Francesco Cainero (bass) and Marco Vattovani (drums ).

Curated by: Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta FVG
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A musical tale dedicated to the magical creatures that live in the enchanted woods together with humans in a type of engaging spell reconstructed in the English garden of the eighteenth-century villa. The artists present in their musical garden the knowledge of green living beings through the melodic language of their branches.

Curated by: Trieste Solidale OdV
Category: Music
Un mix tra melodie orecchiabili e dissonanti, riff pesanti e arpeggi. Il panorama sonoro dei TSO si sta espandendo. Il primo singolo "Constraint" lo dimostra. Questo terzo disco è il loro lavoro più oscuro della band, e allo stesso tempo il più luminoso.
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A performance of funky, international and Italian pop rock disco hits by the Magazzino Commerciale band on the occasion of their 25th anniversary. Animation and additional music by Radio Company DJs, Leo Feltrin and Gianluca Pacini.

Curated by: Sotto la Pergola Snc

Location: Molo Audace
Category: Music

The customary concert at dawn on the Molo Audace, with the notes of Sonia Cugini's piano. Sonia Cugini is a pianist and composer, who having graduated in piano in '94 at the Padua Conservatory, played for a short period with the Soliti Veneti in chamber music repertoires. In 2010 she began composing her first melodies. She decided to study jazz harmony with Riccardo Morpurgo and subsequently composition with Stefano Bellon who encourages her to continue writing and open up new ideas in the musical field. French authors such as Poulenc, Chabrier, Ravel, Debussy and Russian authors such as Prokofiev are the ones who most influenced her musical taste.

Curated by: Cinquantacinque Coop. Soc.
Location: Campo San Giacomo
Category: Music
Ritmi africani con i Tega-Tega Afrobič, "dancing afrobeat collective" brasilo-franco-triestino. Un insieme di ottimi musicisti riuniti per la diffusione di questo genere nato in Africa Occidentale negli anni '70, unendo le sonorità del funk alla musica tradizionale yoruba.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A musical tribute to one of the greatest interpreters of Italian song, with the voice of Myriam Cosotti who will perform Mina's most famous hits. Tickets are on sale at the Ticketpoint Box Office in Galleria Rossoni, in Corso Italia in Trieste and on site one hour before the event. Online at

Curated by: Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta FVG
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Gianni Iorio - bandoneon, Rocco Roggia - violin, Carla Agostinello - piano, Roberto Della Vecchia - double bass. Music by A. Piazzolla. With choreographies by Argentine tango dancers. Quartetto Contemporaneo is the second leading ensemble of the "Tango da Pensare" event.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Punto Musicale
Location: Campo San Giacomo
Category: Music
I C'ammafunk approdano per la prima volta a Trieste! Il quintetto salernitano, presenterà live il proprio album "Bouncing" ad il nuovo singolo "Thunder" uscito con la IRMA Records di Bologna.
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A tribute to the greatest lyricist in the world of musicals, Sir Tim Rice. He wrote the lyrics to the great musicals of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Disney. He was awarded the International Operetta Prize in Trieste in 2011. The singer, Stefania Seculin, will be performing this homage! Tickets are on sale at the Ticketpoint Box Office in Galleria Rossoni, in Corso Italia in Trieste and on site one hour before the event. Online at

Curated by: Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta FVG
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

A live concert of "I Soliti Pooh" which this year celebrates 10 years of union. It is the only Venezia Giulia tribute band of the historic Italian group. We will retrace the greatest successes, from Piccola Ketti to Men alone, Viva, Parsifal and many other engaging songs. Great vibes guaranteed!

Curated by: I Soliti Pooh
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

Having fun together at a musical concert with songs from the 60s and 70s, and in aid of the Hospice association of Aurisina.

Curated by: Associazione I '60 Ruggenti - Ritrovarsi in Musica


A great interpreter of Brazilian music with a unique voice that already starts to excite with it's timbre's warmth, and with her is a trio of vast experience in the jazz and pop field: Paolo Vianello - piano, Paolo Andriolo - bass and Roberto "Red" Rossi - drums.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Berimbau Aps
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The Big Band Theory is an orchestra from Trieste comprised of 25 musicians with wind instruments (sax, trumpets, trombones), rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, drums) and two singers. We play rock songs which makes the audience sing and dance, in the splendid setting of Piazza Verdi in Trieste.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Long Playing - Theory Big Band
Category: Music
Admission by payment

The New Orchestra Ferruccio Busoni together with the accordionist Gianni Fassetta, will present some of the most beautiful music from the composers of cinema: Piazzolla, Morricone, Rota, Bacalov and Mancini. Tickets available on the Ticketpoint circuit.

Curated by: Nuova Orchestra da camera
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

An evening dedicated to Brazilian percussive music to celebrate the 25 years of the Berimbau Band. Numerous guests will be present including Fabio Allman, Leonardo Zannier, Heloisa Lourenço, accompanied by Pai Benni and directed by Davide Angiolini.

Curated by: Associazione Culturale Berimbau Aps
Location: Piazza Verdi
Category: Music

The tribute band, in action for over 15 years, performs in venues throughout Friuli Venezia Giulia in the Trieste, Gorizia, Udine and Veneto areas, and also at the major motorbike rallies, in Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. It performs all the historic hits which made Iron Maiden famous, without modifications, respecting the original sounds of their live shows.

Curated by: Associazione Musica Libera
Category: Music

Did the "wise and noble citizen" leave a trace of himself 350 years later, in the splendor of Venetian baroque music? An suggestive concert about the adventures of "Milione", with baroque instruments to pay a tribute to the 700 years since his death.

Curated by: Orchestra Barocca Triestina - Tržaški Baročni Orkester Aps
Category: Music

Il concerto celebra le migliori arie di operetta e canzoni dell’epoca passata interpretate dal tenore Andrea Binetti, artefice delle più belle rivisitazioni delle operetta amate dal pubblico di questi anni, come protagonista, regista e autore delle riscritture.

Curated by: Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta FVG in collaborazione con la Quarta Circoscrizione del Comune di Trieste
Category: Music

A concert of the Koper Mandolin Orchestra conducted by maestro Sergio Zigiotti.

Curated by: Comunità degli Italiani "Santorio Santorio" Capodistria

Category: Music
Admission by payment

YKIAT presents the KyoShinDo group: through the deep sound of the Japanese TAIKO drum it expresses the energies of nature.
A magical journey to discover the echo of your soul, not only to listen to, but to experience, the music and culture.
Tickets are on sale at the Ticket Point ticket office in Galleria Rossoni in Corso Italia in Trieste and on site one hour before the event. Online at:

Curated by: Yudansha Kyokai Iwama Aikido Trieste Asd (YKIAT)
Category: Music

An evening of orchestral ambiance rich in nuances, transient sounds, sometimes imperious and sometimes golden as the name of the quintet, "Golden Sound Flute Quintet", suggests. The splendid arrangements create the basis for an unprecedented and beautiful experience, enabling all spectators to listen to immortal music. The quintet includes most of the flute family: C flute, alto flute, bass flute and piccolo.

Curated by: Trieste Flute Association
Category: Music

The SeaSons are a group of 5 young friends united by a passion for music and formed on the sea shores of Trieste. Just like the sea, their music sways between Hard and Classic Rock, giving those who listen to them a modern version of the classics of this genre. They aim to "unleash" their audience every evening, with their explosive determination. Southern Trip was formed in Trieste in May 2021, with the aim of having fun and playing covers of the world of blues-rock. In April 2022, they played their first live show presenting their first unreleased song. As time passed, they played in many other live venues, theaters and various types of events. To date, the group focuses almost exclusively on the development of unreleased songs, and pursuing key musical goals, which draw inspiration from blues, rock, funk, jazz and pop-blues.

Curated by: PAG - Progetto Area Giovani - Comune di Trieste

Inauguration of the Festival Music Center. With the LaFil Milan Philharmonic, and music by Mozart, Vivaldi and Piazzolla

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. Meeting with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

A repertoire of W. A. ​​Mozart: Concert for piano and orchestra n. 17 in G major, KV 453 - Symphony n.35 “Haffner” in D major KV385 - Symphony n.40 in G minor KV550.
Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Director Matteo Firmi. Program to be defined.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Director Erik Zerial. Music from the Trieste tradition

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Director Sergio Gratton. Program in definition

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Arcobaleno Trieste Wind Orchestra - Santa Barbara Philharmonic - Duino Aurisina Band.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Civic Wind Orchestra "G. Verdi" city of Trieste, director Matteo Firmi. Film music by Nino Rota.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Eos Quartet: Elia Chiesa - violin, Giacomo Del Papa - violin, Alessandro Acqui - viola, Silvia Ancarani - cello. Program: W. A. ​​Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K525 - F. J. Haydn Quartet Op.77 No.1 - L. Janáček - Quartet No.1 “Kreutzer Sonata”. Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Program to be defined.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. Meeting with the artists.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

W. A. ​​Mozart: Symphony No. 29 in A major, K 201 - L. A. Lebrun: Concerto for oboe and orchestra n.1 in D minor - F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Symphony n. 4 “Italiana” in A major, op. 90.
Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. An encounter with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Tijana Drinić, violin - Emanuele Francesco Ruzzier, cello - Lorenzo Ritacco, piano.


Ludwig van Beethoven Trio Op. 70 No. 1 "Spettri"

  1. Allegro vivace e con brio
  2. Largo assai
  3. Presto

Charles Edward Ives - Trio per violino, violoncello e pianoforte

  1. Moderato
  2. This Scherzo Is A Joke: Presto
  3. Moderato con moto

The concert will be held at the RAI Auditorium of the Rai FVG headquarters. 

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Iryna Bobyrevacello - Iryna Lytvynenkopiano


Camille Saint-Saëns - Sonata n. 1 per violoncello e pianoforte in Do minore, Op. 32

  1. Allegro
  2. Andante tranquillo e sostenuto
  3. Allegro moderato

Johannes Brahms - Sonata n. 1 per violoncello e pianoforte in mi minore, Op. 38  

  1. Allegro non troppo
  2. Allegro quasi minuetto
  3. Allegro

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Live streaming from the City Council Hall of Trieste. 


Franz Schubert - Quartetto in Do minore No. 12 D703 “Quartettsatz”

  1. Allegro assai (do minore)
  2. Andante (la bemolle maggiore) - frammenti

Ludwig van Beethoven - Quartetto in Fa maggiore “Razumovsky” Op. 59, No. 1

  1. Allegro
  2. Allegretto vivace e sempre scherzando
  3. Adagio molto e mesto
  4. hème Russe: Allegro

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Bruna &Cceron;eko, flute - Rino Cetinić, guitar


Máximo Diego​​​​​​ Pujol - Suite Buenos Aires

  • Pompeya
  • Palermo
  • San Telmo
  • Microcentro

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco - Sonatina Op. 205

  • Allegretto grazioso
  • Tempo di Siciliana, Andante grazioso
  • Scherzo-Rondo, Allegretto con spirito

Astor Piazzolla - Histoire du Tango

  • Bordel 1900
  • Café 1930
  • Night club 1960
  • Concert d'aujourd'hui 1990

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Three concert halls, in Trieste, Vilnius and Vienna, connected together with LoLa to form a single Jazz Band. The G. Tartini Conservatory of Music in Trieste, the Academy of Music and Theater in Vilnius and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. With the support of the LoLa Project. Artists in the process of being defined. The concert will be held in the Tartini Hall of the "G. Tartini" Music Conservatory.

Christel di Candia, voce
Maj Spacapan, chitarra
Luca Bellodi, tromba
Yannis Maizan, sassofono
Francesco Guidolin, sassofono
Francesco Vattovaz, percussioni

Accademia Lituana di Musica e Teatro, Vilnius

Arnas Mikalkėnaspianoforte
Jan Maksimovičsassofono

Università della Musica e delle Arti Performative (mdw), Vienna

Melinda Naomi Franzkecontrabbasso


I più famosi jazz standards, in un concerto unico, che unisce nella bellezza, grazie all'arte e alla tecnologia, tre capitali della musica Europea ed il loro pubblico: Trieste, Vilnius, Vienna

  • Along Came Betty
  • This I Dig of You
  • Doxy
  • Joy Spring
  • Dolphin Dance
  • Body and Soul
  • It Could Happen To You
  • Estate


Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Christel di Candia, voce - Yannis Maizan, sassofono - Francesco Guidolin, sassofono - Luca Bellodi, tromba - Luca Mattiuzzo, contrabbasso - Alberto Rizzarelli, pianoforte


Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Category: Music
Admission by payment

The Program: G. Puccini - Three Minuets, G. Puccini - Chrysanthemums, A. Schönberg - Verklärte Nacht. Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start. The concert will be held in the Miramare Castle Park.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. An encounter with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

A surprise program with music by J. S. Bach and G. Sollima

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. Meeting with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

The Program: F. J. Haydn - from 150 Scottish Songs Hob.XXXIa, F. J. Haydn - Concert in D major Hob. VIIb/2 Op. 101. G. Sollima - Folktales (2008) for cello and orchestra.
Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start."

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Two cousin instruments, very different in appearance, but closely linked by the magic of the plucked string, sometimes as rivals, but often lovingly together. In this concert Paola Erdas and Rolf Lislevand depict with sound two portraits showing dance scenes, one set in France and another in Italy. The first shows us Paris at the end of the seventeenth century, in the magical moment in which the repertoire of the two instruments mixes and becomes intertwined: the lute, undisputed prince in previous years, opens its musical treasure to the new courtier, the harpsichord, which absorbs the style and the sounds, in a succession of passionate refined dance forms. The new and the old experienced at the same time, making us relive the jovial evenings where lutenists and harpsichordists met, playing, drinking a good glass of wine, mutually enjoying their incredible music. The second, has stronger contrasts and is set in Italy a few decades earlier: a portrait in which the style of Caravaggio's chiaroscuro impresses the eye and the ear, revealing a fervent energy, in which dances mix with improvisation. In this light so rich in innuendos, the two instruments play and exchange roles as in the Commedia dell'Arte. A show that is like a game: intellectual and playful at the same time, for the joy of those who play and the delight of those who listen. Music by: E. Gaultier, De Visee, F. Couperin, A. Piccinini, J. H. Kapsberger, A. Valente. Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start. The show will be held in the Auditorium of the Salone degli Incanti.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Artist's notes. An encounter with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Program: S. Rachmaninov - Concerto n. 3 for piano and orchestra in D minor, op. 30.
Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste