Piazza Ponterosso
Ponterosso (Red Bridge) is the name of the bridge positioned in 1831 to replace the pre-existing one made of wood and which, indeed, was red in colour. It connected the square (of the same name) with the then Via delle Poste, allowing one to cross the Grand Canal.By order of Maria Teresa of Austria in 1756 the canal was widened and the large quantity of land obtained from the operation formed the quadrangular embankment of the square, today intersected by Via Roma. Its strategic position, very close to the ships' docking spaces and on the communication route between the old and the new city, immediately made it the site of a lively market overseen by the toddler who stands on the eighteenth-century fountain, called Giovanin de Ponterosso, who was garlanded by vendors of fresh flowers on St. John's Day. Large and quadrangular, it is surrounded by numerous buildings of great architectural value, such as the monumental headquarters of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Palazzo Bacicchi and Casa Allodi with its octagonal turret.
Piazza Ponterosso
alt Eventi
Location: Piazza Ponterosso
Category: Culture
Admission by payment
L'Armonia di nuovo in azione con uno spettacolo gastronomico che vede la collaborazione dei gruppi Amici di San Giovanni e Proposte teatrali. Sono il cibo e l'appetito di Bloom ad andare in scena, nel libero adattamento di Art&Zan, tra i tavoli del ristorante "Al vecio canal" aperti sul Ponterosso. Con Roberto Eramo, Chino Turco, Manuela Bernardi, Livio Soldini, Giulia Terzani, Daniela Giorgini, Roberto Vidach, Renato Fragiacomo, Paolo Prelog, Magenta Zannier, Giorgio Fonn, Marco Danuzzo, Alexander Sovic, Leonardo Zannier, Giuliano Zannier e Sebastiano Frattini al violino. Effetti sonori di Franca Zannier. Info e prenotazioni per il menù irlandese-triestino 3473176311 entro mercoledì 12 giugno. In caso di maltempo la degustazione e lo spettacolo si trasferiranno all'interno del locale.

Curated by: Museo Joyce


Director Matteo Firmi. Program to be defined.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
