Conservatorio di musica Giuseppe Tartini
The Giuseppe Tartini state music conservatory of Trieste is an Italian institute of high level musical education: it is one of the thirteen Italian historical conservatories. In the early years of the 20th century, Trieste could boast two high-level musical education institutions: the "Giuseppe Tartini" Musical High School, which began its activity in October 1903, and the Trieste Musical Institute, later called the "Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory". In July 1932 the two institutes were unified and merged into the Trieste Musical University, later entitled "Triestine Musical High School" (1943). With the return of Trieste to Italy in 1954, the Conservatory acquired new and permanent headquarters in the prestigious Rittmeyer Palace. The Conservatory of Trieste is, by choice and vocation, particularly oriented towards cooperation at an international level and operates in compliance with European standards. It is, in Italy, one of the main locations chosen by many foreign students and, since 2002, it has promoted a vast international mobility plan for its students and teachers every year; it is also a member of the “Association Européenne des Conservatoires”.
Via Carlo Ghega 12
alt Eventi
The Quodlibet Trio - violin, viola, cello. Their roots are anchored in their land, their culture and their origins. Through the music of composers, they present a story of tormented peoples, of a nostalgia of their native land but there is also a reference of a more intimitate nature with ancient primordial songs and the need to be able to dance to still feel alive and be part of a bigger whole. Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

The Piccotti - Puig Duo on violin and piano. Water, as a music-generating element, has been an inspiration not only for great artists and composers but also directors, who reminded us that its sound has a hypnotic effect. Dealing with a global problem of water scarcity, it may be that water itself, without our words but with the communicative ability of its own sound, could be the most effective way in raising awareness and reaching those who listen. Seat reservation

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

Three concert halls, in Trieste, Vilnius and Vienna, connected together with LoLa to form a single Jazz Band. The G. Tartini Conservatory of Music in Trieste, the Academy of Music and Theater in Vilnius and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. With the support of the LoLa Project. Artists in the process of being defined. The concert will be held in the Tartini Hall of the "G. Tartini" Music Conservatory.

Christel di Candia, voce
Maj Spacapan, chitarra
Luca Bellodi, tromba
Yannis Maizan, sassofono
Francesco Guidolin, sassofono
Francesco Vattovaz, percussioni

Accademia Lituana di Musica e Teatro, Vilnius

Arnas Mikalkėnaspianoforte
Jan Maksimovičsassofono

Università della Musica e delle Arti Performative (mdw), Vienna

Melinda Naomi Franzkecontrabbasso


I più famosi jazz standards, in un concerto unico, che unisce nella bellezza, grazie all'arte e alla tecnologia, tre capitali della musica Europea ed il loro pubblico: Trieste, Vilnius, Vienna

  • Along Came Betty
  • This I Dig of You
  • Doxy
  • Joy Spring
  • Dolphin Dance
  • Body and Soul
  • It Could Happen To You
  • Estate


Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste