Piazza Verdi
This is the Trieste Summer place par excellence. “Verdi” like the composer and the Lyric Theater that overlooks the square, is the work of Giannantonio Selva, a pupil of Giuseppe Piermarini, the architect of La Scala. Opposite the theater stands the Tergesteo, an elegant neoclassical building which was also home to the city's stock exchange.
Piazza Verdi
alt Eventi

Arcobaleno Trieste Wind Orchestra - Santa Barbara Philharmonic - Duino Aurisina Band.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste


The musicians of LaFil Philharmonic of Milan accompany the show of I Piccoli di Podrecca, live.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste


The musicians of LaFil Philharmonic of Milan accompany the show of I Piccoli di Podrecca, live.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
