Festival Zoé
The Greek term "Zoé" indicates "vita qua vivimus" ("the life we live"), and the essence of Life itself. The multidisciplinary Festival, focused on chamber music, proposed by the Triesteclassica Aps for 2024 has the main objective of deepening, thanks to Culture, Art and Music, the different themes that the concept of "life" represents. Each of these are extremely topical: Life of Man: Music is an integral part of man's life, which has accompanied humanity since the dawn of civilization; Nature: music is so extraordinary that its beneficial effects are not limited only to humans but also to the animal and plant worlds; Planet Earth: the attempt will continue, through Art and Music, to raise awareness and stimulate interest in the environmental problems that afflict our Planet. These are the guidelines according to which we promise to take you on a unique and emotional journey, capable of making you... daydream!
dal 27/06/2024 al 03/07/2024
The Quodlibet Trio - violin, viola, cello. Their roots are anchored in their land, their culture and their origins. Through the music of composers, they present a story of tormented peoples, of a nostalgia of their native land but there is also a reference of a more intimitate nature with ancient primordial songs and the need to be able to dance to still feel alive and be part of a bigger whole. Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music
The Althea Duo on clarinet and piano. Musical works inspired by the beauty of nature underline the importance of preserving our environment: Music becomes a vehicle for exploring the relationship between Man and Nature, highlighting the need to to protect ecosystems for collective well-being, as well as a powerful means to reflect and promote positive changes in society. Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps


The Piccotti - Puig Duo on violin and piano. Water, as a music-generating element, has been an inspiration not only for great artists and composers but also directors, who reminded us that its sound has a hypnotic effect. Dealing with a global problem of water scarcity, it may be that water itself, without our words but with the communicative ability of its own sound, could be the most effective way in raising awareness and reaching those who listen. Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

The Veles Duo, of voice and guitar. A reflection on the duality of human life: on the one hand, the existential, philosophical and introspective aspects of life, looking internally at man, his existence, the fleeting nature of life, of youth, exile and loneliness; on the other,looking at the extroverted and external, popular and joyful side of life.
Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

Location: Piazza Verdi
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

Anna Rigoni, on piano, and Marco Fantacuzzi, with direction and photography. From the timbral effects of the water features, to the dark agitation of the ocean, to the brightness of the impressions of moving water: the symbolic message of water as the purifier and elevator of man. Moments of contemplation will alternate with a serious reflection on the current conditions of our planet. 
Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps


Oleksandr Pushkarenko, violin. A path for a violin solo that sustains the traditions and compositions of the Genoese schools, started by Niccolò Paganini, which represents a particular direction in the world of contemporary violin.
Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps


The Mazzarotto Duo - Iaiza, violin, piano. A concert that goes beyond listening, transforming it into a sensorial immersion of the human soul and nature's beauty. The binding narrative is entrusted to the feelings of the two Virgilian characters, Dido and Aeneas, who come to life through the painful simplicity of the Sonata by Giuseppe Tartini, the renowned Istrian composer and violinist.
Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps

Location: Piazza Verdi
Event: Festival Zoé
Category: Music

Symphonic Orchestra of the "G. Tartini" Conservatory of Music of Trieste, Silvia Massarelli, director, Giacomo Seguglia, narrator, Francesco Lopergolo, Claudio Tuti, Giorgio Cividal, multivisions. "Si vitam inspicias hominum, si denique mores cum culpant alios: nemo sinecrimoni vivit" Cato, Couples. If you look at the lives of people, if you look at their behavior when they blame others: no one lives without blame...
Seat reservation www.eventbrite.com/cc/festival-zoe-3360039
Event of the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy.

Curated by: Triesteclassica Aps
