Festival di Trieste - Il Faro della Musica
From 7 to 18 September 2024 the Trieste Concerts Society, in co-operation with the Municipality of Trieste, presents the Trieste Festival - The Lighthouse of Music 2024​​​​​​​. Presenting famous international names, concerts, events, itineraries,and focussed on involving the whole city for 12 days in a dedication to music.
dal 07/09/2024 al 18/09/2024

Two cousin instruments, very different in appearance, but closely linked by the magic of the plucked string, sometimes as rivals, but often lovingly together. In this concert Paola Erdas and Rolf Lislevand depict with sound two portraits showing dance scenes, one set in France and another in Italy. The first shows us Paris at the end of the seventeenth century, in the magical moment in which the repertoire of the two instruments mixes and becomes intertwined: the lute, undisputed prince in previous years, opens its musical treasure to the new courtier, the harpsichord, which absorbs the style and the sounds, in a succession of passionate refined dance forms. The new and the old experienced at the same time, making us relive the jovial evenings where lutenists and harpsichordists met, playing, drinking a good glass of wine, mutually enjoying their incredible music. The second, has stronger contrasts and is set in Italy a few decades earlier: a portrait in which the style of Caravaggio's chiaroscuro impresses the eye and the ear, revealing a fervent energy, in which dances mix with improvisation. In this light so rich in innuendos, the two instruments play and exchange roles as in the Commedia dell'Arte. A show that is like a game: intellectual and playful at the same time, for the joy of those who play and the delight of those who listen. Music by: E. Gaultier, De Visee, F. Couperin, A. Piccinini, J. H. Kapsberger, A. Valente. Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start. The show will be held in the Auditorium of the Salone degli Incanti.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Location: Magazzino 26
Category: Ballet
Admission by payment

The Program: F. Mompou - Song and dance n. 1, J. Turina - Danzas Fantasticas op. 22, F. Mompou - Song and dance n. 3 and no. 6, I. Albéniz - Iberia, M. De Falla - Fantasia Bætica. Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start. The show will be held in the Sala Luttazzi of Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste


Artist's notes. An encounter with the artists at Verdi's Ridotto.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste

Location: Teatro Verdi
Category: Music
Admission by payment

Program: S. Rachmaninov - Concerto n. 3 for piano and orchestra in D minor, op. 30.
Pre-sales on Vivaticket, Infopoint and location of the event one hour before the start.

Curated by: Società dei Concerti Trieste
